Customade Travel is a luxury travel company providing the services of a boutique, in-house travel agency. We believe that travel shouldn't just be about where you go, but how the journey shapes you. Since 2010, Customade Travel has been working constantly with top quality suppliers to recommend and offer the greatest travel experiences for its clients. Based on Bay Harbor Islands (Miami), with our branch in Sao Paulo (Brazil), Customade Travel is a sophisticated travel agency which embraces both leisure and corporate travelers. We work with a large variety of travel, tourism and hospitality companies around the world to coordinate travel needs.
We have been selected by Serandipians by Traveller Made® as being among the best luxury travel designers in the world. The Serandipians by Traveller Made® network regroups over 220 boutique travel designers in over 50 countries aggregating together more than 1,5 Billion € revenue. Serandipians by Traveller Made® supports us in our relationships with suppliers to secure best services for our VIP clients.

1141 Kane Concourse, Suite 206 Bay Harbour, FL 33154 - USA
info@customadetravel.com | Office: 305 993 6493 | Brazil: 11 4118 3202
Office Hours: Monday - Friday / 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM